

react, redux, node, express, SSR, jest, enzyme

I made the website that you're on right now! Definitely check out the code to see how it is built.

Sip or Skip


react, redux, node, websockets

A fun drinking game that utilises websockets (via to provide a real time synchronised experience for users. Answer questions and complete dares in a given time or else you have to take a sip from your drink... or you can choose to skip.

World Explorer


react, GraphQL

A country selector that displays information retrieved from a GraphQL enabled API. I made this project to experiment with and learn how to make GraphQL queries.

To do list


react, redux, node

A to do list that records list items in local storage. List items can be amended, marked as complete, removed and users can add new list items too.

Label PR Probot app


Github's probot framework, node, javascript

Adding labels to pull requests makes it easier to view the status of a pull requests when looking at the pull request summaries page for a repository. When a pull request is opened the bot assigns the user that opened the pull request to the pull request. When a pull request is approved the bot adds a label to represent the number of approvals the PR has.

Automate Mac settings



One of the main chores a developer faces is setting up a development machine. Sure, it's easy to install visual studio code, git and your favorite browser, but it's the little things that really allow for productivity.

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